Rare in Europe, these drains are everywhere under the australian cities. These underground drains carry out the canalization of rain water, completely separated from sewer networks.
Many of these drains are present below each city, each one having its nickname, story and features. Different shapes, sizes, entry & exit...
They are popular meeting, expression and exploration places for the Australian Cave Clan, THE urban exploration organization. The photos shown here depict the variety of these underground canalizations.
Explored drains:
Thanks to my Cave Clan underground guides from Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide: Doug, Curly, Eli, Al, Rogue, Drac... Big big thanks to you guys and... Go In Drains ! ! !
has anyone got any pics of the camberwell drains?
im interseted in meeting up and going exploring in Melb sometime
any one from brisbane looking to go exploring sometime soon? newbie looking to get out and about and get started, meet people ect?
hey i went into the maze today and enterd the small red brick drain that devides off from the open part, is there anything of note in that drain if i were to go deeper( i got up to the blustone chamer area) also how far do you maze to go to get to the waterfall?
alex is gay lol
Hey does anyone know any websites or librarys with blueprints to the entire drain network underneath Melbourne?
Hey firey, im from Adelaide and looking for some peeps to go exploring with, both because i could use a partner and i dont really know where to go either, let me know if ya interested on
hi i actually live like 50m away from sloths drain's at the cornel street side, and apparently the drain labeled great stairwell is actually sloths. how far do you have to go to get to the stairs.
does anyody know where the great stairway leads too? some frineds and i yesterday walked through it, entering behind dennisons dry cleaners on camberwell road, and walked up the stairs, does anybody know where it ends and comes out? and how long it takes to walk the whole thing, if anybody has actually done it, and is there any exits along the way without having to go back the whole way? every ladder we climbed lead to a concreted down cap that was impossible to push up
Yes St Peters Twins has a guest book like Adelaide Darkie.
The Adelaide guestbook is in the Adelaide Darkie... i didn't see one in the St. Peter's Twins >.>
hi folks, is the adelaide guest book still there in St Peter's twins? visiting in Feb 09, I'd love to be able to add to it!
today some friends and i went exploring to the great stairway which is very close to my house, we got to the bit where you end up under the pond in the park, and you can either go left or right, we chose right and walked for a ages,but didnt see the stairs, where we supposed to go left or just walk longer?
to get to the camberwell drains you can take the 75 tram and then get off at the stop where you see fordham park and a toyota shop, its behind the toyota shop
To contact Cave Clan go to their site (link in further up this page) and check out the contact page for details of your local area.
anyone know how to become part of cave clan and would liek to know locations of these drains not just the names
Me and my mate ar planning to go for our first exploration in the birk... just wondering if there are any brisbane people out there?
By the looks of it, the photo displayed isn't Great Stairway, but the smaller stairway in Sloth's drain. Which is part of the same system, just further around the corner along the creek.
There's four really quality drains in Camberwell, you just have to find them.
Hey Guys, I was wondering if anyone knew of any accessable entrances to the Adelaide Darkie?
Thanks, Firey
The Cave Clan of Melbourne closely guards the locations of these drains. Requiring your own adventuring spirit to get you there, or by having a tour with them. Look up Cave clan in the Google Earth Community and you will see what I mean about gaurding locations. I would love to get to these locations, as I believe that with the right lighting and cameras, I could get some amazing work done. However I am a little intimidated by the "Cave Clan" as they haven't seemed to embrace the internets as much as I would have thought. And from the stories I have read recently, it has heavy ties to squatters, which just freaks me out.
yeah locations maps would be appreciated
Can you post links to the location of these drains on google maps
Hey bro.. I dont mean to be a shit, but that photo labeled "The great stairway" It looks a hell of a lot like the entrance to GOD. The stairs in great stairway are much larger and not set in a RCP. Just thought I'd let you know.. cacth!
Try to get in touch with the Melbourne Cave Clan?
Hi i was reading this article and found it quite interesting, could any readers or explorers please point me in the direction of where these underground tunnels are, where exactly under melbourne they are, i really need to know, coz me and a couple of mates are thinking of doing some explorations here..., i have some pictures of werribee since thats in the west of melbourne towards of geelong, email me if u want them, thanx in advance for any help.
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